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Working Groups

METEOR will gather the key outcomes and findings from its cluster projects to deepen our understanding of the health impacts of environmental stressors. METEOR’s work takes places in 6 working groups which bring together partners from different fields to synergise the outcomes from each project and create joint activities. Each working group is led by one of the five projects.

Key METEOR activities

  • Joint dissemination and communication activities

  • Shared policy strategy, including joint policy briefs

  • Thematic workshops/trainings on issues of common interest

  • Common Data Management Strategy

Working Groups

Working group 1

Science translation for policy and practice (Lead: UBDPOLICY)

Working Group 1 will identify synergies and common policy areas within the research findings of the cluster projects and ways to transform these into policy strategies and initiatives. The METEOR cluster will develop joint policy briefs and organize a final event to engage with policymakers at a national, European and international level. By creating and sharing best practices that are up to date with EU policy developments, METEOR will ensure that science for policy processes are effectively implemented throughout the duration of the projects.

Anne Stauffer,
Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL),

Working group 2

Data analysis, management, protection and standardisation (Lead: MISTRAL)

Working Group 2 will develop a common web-based infrastructure to grant open data access and interoperability between different data sources of the studies. As part of this work it will create a Data Management Strategy to ensure GDPR compliance of each study and perform specific assessment of data sources to define a harmonised protocol for exposures and outcomes.

Rossella Alfano,
University of Hasselt,

Ilaria Bortone,

Working group 3

Communication and Dissemination (Lead: BEST-COST)

Working Group 3 will endeavour to harmonise communication and dissemination activities between the projects for maximum impact. The working group will develop a cluster web portal, visual identity branding guidelines, newsletter and brochure, and social media platforms to raise awareness of the cluster and its work within the policy, scientific and civil society communities and keep them informed on the most up-to-date findings around the health impact of environmental stressors.

Alba Godfrey,

Working group 4

Exposure response analysis (Lead: UBDPOLICY)

Working Group 4 will explore the exposure response relationships for health impact assessments that arise from the cluster project focus areas including air pollution, noise, water contaminants and green spaces. It will establish an inventory of what the different projects use to create easy-to-access resources.

Haneen Khreis,
MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge,

Working group 5

Health outcomes (Lead: VALESOR)

Working Group 5 will provide easy-to-understand outputs to provide estimates and a mapping of the health impact of environmental pollution, taking into account leading sources of pollution and vulnerablele populations. It will produce an infographic on environmental stressors to end-users to highlight the key findings around health incomes from the cluster projects.

Nataša Dragić,
Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina,

Working group 6

Economic analysis: health valuation (Lead: VALESOR)

Working Group 6 will explore the economic costs caused by the health impacts from environmental stressors like air pollutants and chemicals in order to understand its full societal impact. The economic welfare losses of health impacts from environmental stressors range from the medical expenses and loss of wages for people suffering from illnesses to the loss in wellbeing from being ill. This Working Group will improve the estimation of the full social health costs of air pollutants to be used as inputs in economic and distributional analyses of alternative policy measures to reduce emission. This will raise awareness of the health costs of environmental stressors, guide researchers and act as decision-support for policymakers.

Stale Navrud,
School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU),