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On #WorldCitiesDay 2023, join the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) for a special webinar on the latest evidence on how people’s health in cities is affected by air pollution, noise, lack of green space, climate change, and inequalities, and how policy makers can respond to these health threats.

A new EU-funded research project Urban Burden of Disease Estimation for Policy-making (UBDPolicy), coordinated by ISGlobal, will assess the health and socioeconomic costs of environmental conditions in nearly 1,000 European cities across the EU. It will offer policy recommendations for urban and transport planning, transport, and local environmental policies to improve health.

UBDPolicy aims to facilitate the stakeholder dialogue to strengthen the uptake of health impact assessments in policy making and city planning at all levels.

The Webinar will take place 31 October 10-11am CET. Register here.