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MISTRAL: new publication on Health Impact Assessment on greenness and mortality

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A new study on the health impact of greenness and mortality from the MISTRAL project has been published in Nature Communications, revealing how access to green spaces can prevent deaths in Italy.

The results underscore the critical need for strong action to increase the amount and accessibility of green spaces in all human settlements. More green means fewer deaths, making it imperative for policymakers to prioritize greening initiatives as a strategic component of public health and urban planning.

In this health impact assessment, the authors utilised satellite data to estimate the number of preventable deaths across Italy’s 49 million adult population by increasing residential greenness. The exposure was measured using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at a 10-meter resolution within a 300-meter radius from homes in 7,904 municipalities.

The study’s findings are remarkable. By achieving the level of residential greenness currently experienced by the top 25% of the population nationwide, the researchers estimate that a total of 28,433 (95% confidence interval: 21,400–42,350) deaths and 279,324 (210,247–415,980) years of life lost could have been prevented in Italy in 2022. This represents 5% of the total mortality burden in the considered municipalities.

This research highlights the significant benefits of green spaces on human health, a topic that has long been challenging for epidemiologists to quantify.

Read the study here.

VALESOR Newsletter: Two years of progress

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Over the past year, the VALESOR project has reached several key milestones, with the first scientific results from the project published. In this edition of their newsletter, you can read about the project’s first year of research into the economic valuation of environmental stressors, and what the project has planned for 2025.

Don’t miss out on subscribing to future newsletters, you can do so via this link: Follow the project | Valesor

First METEOR newsletter out now

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The first edition of the METEOR cluster newsletter is out now. In this edition, you can read about the new METEOR policy brief on the EU’s Ambient Air Quality Directive, upcoming research from each project, as well as recent events and upcoming opportunities.

Read the newsletter here.

People smiling and pointing to a rock in a water stream in the park

Launch of the METEOR cluster website

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The website and social media of the METEOR cluster has launched. The METEOR cluster is a group of Horizon Europe projects exploring the health impacts of environmental stressors. Each project approaches a different aspect of the threat of environmental stressors on human health, with an eye to explore potential solutions. The projects are:

  • BEST-COST: Measuring the health costs of pollution through novel research methodologies
  • MARCHES: Providing guidelines for EU and national socioeconomic analysis to assess health costs of environmental stressors
  • MISTRAL: Using Artificial Intelligence-based predictive modelling for a dynamic and flexible health impact assessment
  • UBDPolicy: Improving health and well-being impact assessments of environmental stressors in urban areas
  • VALESOR: Increasing understanding of the economic values of environmental chemical stressors in policymaking

To learn more about the individual projects, visit the cluster projects page.

The website will serve as a hub for resources and updates from the cluster and individual projects, from research tools to policy briefings. The website will provide visitors with:

  • Tools and publications from both the cluster and individual projects
  • Relevant communication and dissemination materials including press releases, newsletters, articles, policy briefs, and online access to brochures.

You can also follow METEOR on LinkedIn to receive the latest updates from the cluster and individual projects. Use the hashtag #MeteorEU to join the conversation around methods to protect our health and the environment.